23 Days of Monkey, Day 21 Dan Barker

As our journey nears its end, time to talk about another of the artists who will be working on the book : Dan Barker. I’ve been a big fan of Dan Barker’s work since I came across him in the classic Tales of the Reaching Moon fanzine for the gaming world of...

23 Days of Monkey, Day 20 Journeying West

Today we look at how adventures work in Monkey. How Monkey supports the narrator creating them, and how the Players can drive and take control of the structure in play. Adventures in monkey come in two different forms: Scripted Adventures and Adventure Seeds. Scripted...

23 Days of Monkey, Day 17 Sandy

Today we look at the third of the four pilgrims, the ever downbeat Sandy. Sandy was once a Marshall of the Armies of Western Heaven until he broke the Jade Emperor’s Jade bowl at one of his parties. Cast out of heaven he became a water demon, preying on passing...